Shipping and return policies for LevtKvlt

Shipping Info
Bandcamp forces us to set a minimum price, but everything we offer is truly name-your-price. We ask that you consider international shipping costs $15 minimum from St. Pete, domestic shipping costs $3-5 minimum, and tapes cost roughly $4 each to produce.

That said, setting a price would defeat the purpose of LevtKvlt. Capitalism is designed to afford us the opportunity to exploit you. By relinquishing this onus, we bestow it upon you for assessment.

Our success fully relies on strength in community, as opposed to a relentless drive for capital. You decide what this is worth to you, relative to your means.

Though long and arduous ahead, full of sacrifice and uncertainty, onward we march towards the death of our dependence on capitalist institutions. Thank you.

- Deitritus